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Super Nostalgia Wars
OIlusionistaData: Terça, 03/05/2011, 0:47 AM | Mensagem # 1
Grupo: Usuários
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Hi there.

I'm helping another project: Super Nolstagia Wars, from my buddy MDI.

Taken directly from his post at Guild (with update info):

So I decided to make a Mugen game dedicated to 2d sidescrolling characters from mainly SNES games. Much like Serio's Castlevania Fighter, my goal is to have various main characters to choose from, with CPU-only bosses as enemies.

I really want to include bonus stages that include hordes of enemies to battle (similar to POTS's Strength Training..but not quite) but I'm still learning how to do helpers and such.

I want this to seem less like a Boss Rush type game, and more like a simplistic 2D sidescroller/beat-em up.

Here is a quick image I put together showing various sidescroller characters from different games including Run Saber, Castlevania, Actraiser, Demon's Crest, and more that I am considering for this game.

[img width=640 height=176]http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww12/MiDSinister/charsized1.png[/img]

As you can see, many of them aren't exactly the same height, so I'll most likely use characters shown in the two middle height groups. I'm not going for a totally consistent sprite style, just anything more realistically proportioned as opposed to say, Super Mario World characters.

Some sprites I have ripped myself, others I have gotten from the Spriters Resource. (Credit is given within characters using sprites from others.)

The characters that are completed so far are..


-God/The Master (Actraiser 2) (SNES)
-Has a mid and upper slash attack. Also jumping and crouching slashes. Two magic attacks including flamethrower and electricity spread while jumping.-
-Superman (Superman Batman - Heroes United) (Mobile)
-Has heat vision, ice breath which incapacitates opponent for a bit, a standing punch and a pounding punch while jumping-
-Firebrand (Demons' Cres) (SNES)
-Hagane (Hagane) (SNES)
-Jack () (SNES)
-Leia() (SNES)
and many others


Sphinx/Manticore (Actraiser) (SNES)
Pazuzu (Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance) (GBA)
Giant Spiders (Kings of Dragons) (SNES)

Various Stages so far

Castlevania - OOE - Barracks : Distant Memory

Castlevania - SoTN - Clocktower

Castlevania - HoD - Pazuzu Fight Area (Edited)

Actraiser - Bloodpool MiniBoss (Edited)

The Versus Screen is taken from the final stage, Dethheim from Actraiser.

It is the same each time. Music plays as the clouds move, electricity strikes your character and teleports (blocks sprite) him to the next fight.

Oh, and I created the lifebars from Actraiser. Hearts = Player 1's super meter.

A few videos

Barracks Stage

Sphinx/Manticore battle

Pazuzu battle

God Vs Superman (HAH!)

Sheena fight


More to come.

if you have any suggestion, drops us a line. But the char must have a height close to ActRaiser's God or less and must NOT be deformed, like SuperMario.

Something like this:

Beeing here since 1999
MB(BUENO)Data: Domingo, 08/05/2011, 2:38 PM | Mensagem # 2
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 245
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hei man
I Like this Style of this game =D
but the sprites are so simple =/ and not beutifull u.u
but this is a god Ideia =D
good luck bro =D
sorry the english D:

Mukuro - TSNeji - Jellal - Zero
OIlusionistaData: Domingo, 08/05/2011, 2:50 PM | Mensagem # 3
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 180
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Pode falar em portugues mesmo, foi preguiça minha ter escrito em ingles.

Entao, a idéia é ser nostalgico, é fazer as pessoas lembrarem de épocas marcantes. Nao sei sua idade, talvez Mega Drive e SNES nao tenham sido seus videogames, mas foram os meus e de muita gente.
Existem sprites ate de GBA, tudo depende se encaixa no jogo.

Nao julgue um jogo pelos sprites. Conheço varios jogos ruins com otimos graficos (o ps2 ta cheio deles) e o contrario tbem.


Beeing here since 1999
MB(BUENO)Data: Domingo, 08/05/2011, 3:49 PM | Mensagem # 4
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 245
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eu te entendo
mas hoje em dia com tudo que ah de novo é facil dar uma melhoradinha nas sprites
e realmente series como Castle Vania,Super mario sao classicos da epoco =D
gosto muito de relembrar a infancia jogando esses tipos de jogos
voce tambem poderia colocar novos personagens como Kratos de GoW e Dante (DMC)
e eu nao julguei o jogo pelas sprites so achei que seria legal remasterizar elas para ficarem mais bonitas
mas dexa queto isso ^^
boa sorte

Mukuro - TSNeji - Jellal - Zero
OIlusionistaData: Segunda, 11/07/2011, 2:01 PM | Mensagem # 5
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 180
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline
Se mexermos nos sprites, perde a graça. A mágica é justamente a nostalgia.
Por isso do screenpack, de nao ter hypers, etc.

Added (16/05/2011, 6:05 PM)
This weekend was very busy to me :)
I've worked into Yellow Devil (for RMM) and on Gildiss, for SNW (this project):

Enough talk and lets go to work:


Claw Attack (with angle rotation)

Ground Pound (original) and black palette

Dying and blue palette

This char is a bit hard to do because it consists on a group of helpers, but the wip is going fine.

Added (23/05/2011, 2:29 PM)
More work for this project and a new char: Summon Demon, which is alread finished.

Summon Demon comes from Tales of Phantasia series, its just a summon (a magic attack) with just one attack. But I've expanded it a bit more:



I will release it soon.

Added (11/07/2011, 2:01 PM)
Novo video:

Beeing here since 1999
NorigoData: Segunda, 11/07/2011, 5:05 PM | Mensagem # 6
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Acho que tem de trabalhar mais nas sprites do dragao, tem pouco movimento na stance, acho que devia ter mais detalhe, mais frames.
De resto ta otimo e aguardo pelo jogo, (ou beta).
OIlusionistaData: Segunda, 11/07/2011, 5:54 PM | Mensagem # 7
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 180
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline
o char é do MDI, ele fez milagre com os sprites, pq o char original tem 4 frames:

Beeing here since 1999
ED3Data: Segunda, 11/07/2011, 8:01 PM | Mensagem # 8
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tenho 20 anos foi meu primeiro video game, pra falar a verdade eu ainda tenho ele, nem lembro o ano em que ganhei xD!

mais boa sorte cara, quero ver muito esse jogo em =D!

as sprites sao simples, pq naum fazer mais movimentos?

Mensagem editada por Eduardo3 - Segunda, 11/07/2011, 8:09 PM
OIlusionistaData: Segunda, 25/07/2011, 12:26 PM | Mensagem # 9
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 180
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline
as sprites sao simples, pq naum fazer mais movimentos?

pq dependeríamos de um spriter pra isso. E uma coisa que eu aprendi no Mugen (e na vida): não dependa de ninguém. Pra nada.

Video de um char em construção (ainda há bugs nos misseis)

Beeing here since 1999
GoditaData: Segunda, 25/07/2011, 12:57 PM | Mensagem # 10
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 10
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Ilusionista, pode colocar Contra, Double Dragon e Battletoads também? xD
OIlusionistaData: Sexta, 12/08/2011, 10:33 AM | Mensagem # 11
Grupo: Usuários
Mensagens: 180
Awards: 0
Reputação: 7
Status: Offline
O projeto ja mudou bastante, mas estranhamente a gente nao pode editar posts antigos.

Vou postar algumas atualizações:

Alguns dos meus chars

Chars do ZVitor

Luke Skywalker

Gi-Le-Farg, from Phantasy Star IV
(I took milk out of stone on this one)


Beeing here since 1999
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